The Adventure of Science

Francisco Martínez Flores

Abstract: Development at Physical and Biological Sciences is like an adventure that requires careful consideration of some of its points (achievements) that are controversial.

Special Relativity only allows electromagnetism and quantum phenomena to be unified, because the corresponding masses must be virtual; this will be acceptable for photons and elementary particles such as electrons and consistent with Quantum Field Theory.

Total Unification turns out inadequate as it is evidenced by the unsucceful demonstration of gravity’s quantization.

True or inertial mass is born with protons and others compound particles, whose behaviour may be quantum and classical.

The known effect called dark matter in the Universe can be explained by assuming virtual mass to the radiation we are receiving. Besides, the frequency shift (Doppler effect) are due to   transverse and not radial velocity of the galaxies, which is compatible to Hubbles’s law; therefore, the expansion of the Universe is unproven and dark energy will be unnecessary.

The Evolution that governs the processes of life can be raised with a similar approach to   Physics, where it have been established an inner space  in nuclei’s atoms  similar  to  mind or consciousness of living beings;  this have strongly influence  with the exterior or ordinary space, so  Duality becomes the criterion or  paradigm most suited to  the behaviour of Nature.

Keywords: Development at Physical and Biological Sciences, frequency shift (Doppler Effect).

Title: The Adventure of Science

Author: Francisco Martínez Flores

International Journal of Mathematics and Physical Sciences Research

ISSN 2348-5736 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 3, Issue 2, October 2015 – March 2016

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The Adventure of Science by Francisco Martínez Flores