The American Dream Corruption in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby

Ibrahim Adam Said Daier, Dr. AbdulMahmoud Idrees Ibrahim

Abstract: The Great Gatsby is a tragic love story on the surface, but it’s most commonly understood as a pessimistic critique of the American Dream. In many respects, the American Dream has been deeply rooted in the concept of a journey-the journey to a new country, the journey across generations, and of course, the journey within one's life. It is about motion and progress, it is about optimism, and it is about finding success and fulfillment along the way. The American Dream is the belief that anyone, regardless of race, class, gender, or nationality, can be successful in America. if they just work hard enough. The American Dream thus presents a pretty rosy view of American society that ignores problems like systemic racism and misogyny, xenophobia, and income inequality. It also presumes a myth of class equality, when the reality is America has a pretty well-developed class hierarchy. Hence , the study aimed at investigating the American Dream Corruption in The Great Gatsby . The descriptive analytical method was used to carry out the study. The study sample consisted of the novel The Great Gatsby. The results of the main findings are: The Great Gatsby shows the tide turning east, as hordes flock to New York City seeking stock market fortunes. The Great Gatsby portrays this shift as a symbol of the American Dream's corruption. It's no longer a vision of building a life; it's just about getting rich. According to the above findings, the study recommends the followings: to investigate how Gatsby symbolizes both the corrupted Dream and the original uncorrupted Dream and how Gatsby's corrupt dream of wealth is motivated by an incorruptible love for Daisy. The study suggests that, Gatsby's failure does not prove the folly of the American Dream rather it proves the folly of short-cutting that dream by allowing corruption and materialism to prevail over hard work, integrity, and real love. And the dream of love that remains at Gatsby's core condemns nearly every other character in the novel, all of whom are empty beyond just their lust for money.

Keywords: American Dream and Corruption.

Title: The American Dream Corruption in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby

Author: Ibrahim Adam Said Daier, Dr. AbdulMahmoud Idrees Ibrahim

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research   

ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 5, Issue 4, October 2017 – December 2017

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The American Dream Corruption in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby by Ibrahim Adam Said Daier, Dr. AbdulMahmoud Idrees Ibrahim