The Children of Nochikuppam

Ajay Ram

Abstract: This report was created for a Public Action Group (PAG) coordinated by the Child Rights and You (CRY) organization. The report aims to reveal the current level of well-being for the children of Nochikuppam, Chennai, India. The ultimate aim is to provide an overall picture of the average life of a child in this upper-low SES fishing community. Furthermore, suggestions have been made to improve the services being provided by the PAG.

Keyword: child well-being, Nochikuppam, Chennai, India, tsunami, child rights.

Title: The Children of Nochikuppam

Author: Ajay Ram

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research

ISSN 2348-3164 (online), ISSN 2348-3156 (Print)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 2, Issue 4, October 2014 - December 2014

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The Children of Nochikuppam by Ajay Ram