The Community Kitchen in Attapady: Reassessed

Sreelakshmi S Menon

Abstract: Community Kitchen is an emblazoned Programme under the social justice department of the government of Kerala, implemented by Kudumbashree in the tribal hamlets of Attapady. The study aims at a review of the programme based on the feedback from the communities. Primary data was collected with a focus on the factors such as Regularity of the programme, Cleanliness, Quality of the food served, Awareness in the community, Efficiency in project planning and implementation and Implications from reported infant deaths. The analysis shows that the community kitchen is a scheme designed without considering the opinions from the communities and is yet another skewed intervention. It doesn’t empower the community to be self-reliant but makes them even more dependent on the welfare schemes. The programme has digressed away from the planned goals but is irregular, unsustainable and doesn’t ensure nutritional security of the beneficiaries.

Keywords: Community kitchen, Tribal health, Morbidity, Infant deaths, Nutritional security, Attapady, Intervention.

Title: The Community Kitchen in Attapady: Reassessed

Author: Sreelakshmi S Menon

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 

ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 7, Issue 4, October 2019 – December 2019

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The Community Kitchen in Attapady: Reassessed by Sreelakshmi S Menon