Abstract: In this essay, I critically engaged with the paradoxical relationship between the forces of globalization and variegated religious ideologies. The 21st century has witnessed the inexorable forces of globalization which not only precipitates profound existential convergence, but also frames an interconnected world and dissolving conventional boundaries of politics, geography, regionalism and nationalism. Thus, it is incontrovertible that the forces of globalization have created a hyper-connected world. While this has fostered intercultural and cross-cultural understanding through the orchestrated global tableau of proximity it creates, it simultaneously engenders a state of ideological discord within the religious parlance, when different competing religions come into direct confrontation, giving rise to theological contradictions and interfaith strife. Beyond raising concerns about the veracity and logical validity of the theological foundations of these religions, the implications it has on social cohesion is also raised as it mares existential harmony and peaceful coexistence. Classical logic, with its foundation on Aristotle and his principle of non-contradiction (PNC), “¬ (P ∧ ¬P)”, proofs inadequate and incapacitated in resolving these tensions, since this axiom frames oppositions rather than coexistence. On this note, it will lead to theological collapse of religious doctrines, dissolution of doctrinal integrity and catalyzing religious sectarianism. Sequel to this, I used the expository method in exploring the dynamics of globalization, bringing to light how the transnational exchange of ideas, migration, and intercultural interactions heightened by technology exacerbates religious contradictions. The critical method is also used to help identify the causes of religious conflicts, significantly exploring the limitations of Aristotelian logic – including how and why it is ill-equipped to resolve, rather than contribute to, the tensions between religious. Through the lens of dialectical method and aligning with the Hegelian tradition, I propose paraconsistent logic and develop the axiom and the logical constant ‘Global G’, represented with G, as a viable heuristic, containing all religions without a logical collapse. The Global G framework is symbolized as:
G =⋃Ri
i =1
Within this logical framework, G = global set that contains all individual religions, Ri = distinct religious traditions (e.g., Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.) ⋃ = aggregation of Ri into a single interconnected global system, while n = the total number of distinct religions considered in the global system (i.e., n = ∣Ri∣, Ri ∈G). The expression and logical formula (Global G) is a model for the coexistence of distinct religious systems within a unified broader global system, without leading to the collapse of the system. It is an inclusive and integrative paradigm, aimed at sustaining religious truths in a co-existential harmony without collapsing into logical and theological incoherence.
Keywords: Globalization, Dialectics, Religious Contradictions, Religious Conflict, Paraconsistent Logic, Religious Tolerance, Global G.
Author: Abasiofon Umoren
International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research
ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)
Vol. 13, Issue 1, January 2025 - March 2025
Page No: 34-50
Research Publish Journals
Website: www.researchpublish.com
Published Date: 02-January-2025