The Effect of Progressive Writing on Enhancing University Students’ Descriptive Essay

Alshafee Albadawy Mohammed Ahmed, Dr. Mohammed Bakri Hadidi, Dr. Ienas Ahmed Abdel Rahman Fadel

Abstract: The study aims at investigating the effect of the progressive writing program on enhancing the university students' descriptive essay writing. Achieving this goal, the study adopted the experimental method. Pretest posttest found suitable tools for collecting the data for the study. The sample of the study was selected randomly out of the population. The subject was given the pretest at the beginning of the semester and given the posttest at the end of the intervention. The data then collected and analysed. The findings of the study are: There is a remarkable and significant enhancement on the students' descriptive essay writing. There is a correlation between the pretest and posttest results. This indicates that the study achieved its objectives. The pretest and posttest cover different aspects of writing: spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and organizations in the students’ descriptive essay, and the study showed a very good and remarkable development concerning this side. The remedial progressive program has a big role in solving the problems found in the students' pretest writing. There a significant correlation between the pretest and posttest and that is clear in the marks of both. Based on these findings, the study recommends: Students' abilities of the same level are different so considering this point is very important while designing pretest posttest. Progressive writing session and interventions are highly needed and over genaralised specially for the first levels, to get the required development on the students' writing ability. Instructors should run the whole writing process in the class, monitor their students, give and check assignments.

Keywords: progressive writing program, university Students, Descriptive Essay.

Title: The Effect of Progressive Writing on Enhancing University Students’ Descriptive Essay

Author: Alshafee Albadawy Mohammed Ahmed, Dr. Mohammed Bakri Hadidi, Dr. Ienas Ahmed Abdel Rahman Fadel

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 

ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 6, Issue 3, July 2018 - September 2018

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The Effect of Progressive Writing on Enhancing University Students’ Descriptive Essay by Alshafee Albadawy Mohammed Ahmed, Dr. Mohammed Bakri Hadidi, Dr. Ienas Ahmed Abdel Rahman Fadel