Abstract: Over a decade after the formation of Community Development Trust Fund (CDTF), strategic changes were effected resulting in the formation of New CDTF. This caused a lot of fear and anxiety amongst the staff. This study examined the relationship between strategic change and job satisfaction, within a sample of 37 employees of CDTF as explained by Herzberg, Mausner, and Snyderman’s(1959) job motivator and hygiene factors, and Five Star Model(Galbraith, 1973) organisational design policies. Survey design was used to collect data from the entire CDTF staff, who were approached and a questionnaire administered which was the main research data collection tool. Data analysis was based on quantitative analysis of the questionnaires that provided partial support for the study hypotheses. Statistical tests were also carried out that led to similar conclusions. The study revealed that CDTF employees are generally satisfied with strategic change process and with their jobs under New CDTF. Results also indicate employee satisfaction with the strategy change (employee participation, 3.82 mean score; style of management (3.81); working conditions outcome (3.79); and job design outcome (3.56). The change also enhanced job satisfaction as shown by statistical results: employee participation (X²=036.275, P<0.05); management style correlation results(r=.475, P<0.05); working conditions (X²=15.03, P<0.05); and job design correlation results (r=.576, P<0.05). Also, regression results (R²=0.62, at P<0.05) show that strategic change affects job satisfaction. The relationship with demographic factors and job satisfaction was negligible (r=-.0252, P<0.05). The study was conducted less than a month before commencement of New CDTF implementation; this may have affected the employee perception of the impact of the strategic changes. The study concluded that organisational change is an important determinant of employee job satisfaction with higher influence from strategic change process as compared to the outcomes of strategic change. The study recommended CDTF to build on the recent restructuring and enhance employee job satisfaction through improved policies, supervision, relationships, job description, benefits and general working conditions. Finally, the study further recommended future research on other job satisfaction variables in development organisations.
Keywords: Community Development Trust Fund(CDTF), Strategic change, Change process management, Job design, Job satisfaction, Working conditions, Employee participation, New CDTF, Kenya.
Author: Fred K. Wamalwa
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Research Publish Journals