The HR Practices in the Changing Workplace and Societal Setup

Swapna Shrimali

Abstract: Change is inevitable and can be very stressful & the world of work is changing   rapidly as a result the role of HR Professionals who are prime responsibility to manage the people is also changing.

Today’s HR Practitioners are considered as future talent managers. their practices need to be more strategic towards change rather than following the old path because new generation is entering into the workforce in organisation & in order to maintain coordination between the four generations i.e. traditional , boomers , gen x & gen y  will be a challenging task for HR  practitioners . HR practitioners need to groom their skills & polish them well for changing demands of the organisation.  HR practitioners while implementing the change need to have proper communication with the employees so that rumors can be avoided which results in employee’s  reactions like shock, anger, denial, blame, fear, understanding & then  acceptance because it consumes lots of time.

Successful HR practise for change management at workplace and societal setup should comprise of new concepts like I4 teams , president & chairman tea , workplace wellness , diversity management, new concepts in performance appraisal system, training and developmental programs, fun & freedom at workplace and along with HR professionals availability 24 * 7 and this can be done through just following simple steps like communicating about change and its individual and organisational benefits then doing “change readiness” survey in this barriers are identified and then implementing change and then at last follow up and improvement will be done.

Title: The HR Practices in the Changing Workplace and Societal Setup

Author:  Swapna Shrimali

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research

ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 3, Issue 1, January 2015 - March 2015

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The HR Practices in the Changing Workplace and Societal Setup by Swapna Shrimali