The Impact of Radio Mathematics for Women Empowerment in Periyar Community Radio

Ujjwala .Tirkey, Dr. R.Sreedher, G.Gandhimathi

Abstract: According to report of Inter Press Service, (IPS) “On a global scale, women often work more than men, women cultivate more than half of all the food that is grown. In India, yet forming women often get little recognition and are paid less for that due to their lack of awareness in mathematical calculation. It is very difficult for these women to get the financial resources to lead their day today life, and often are the ones that suffer the most poverty and that affects the illiterate forming women throughout their lifetime, Media is the lens through which we see the world. Not only does it informs but it also shapes public opinion and mobilizes changes. Today, its ability to reach very large global audiences has turned the medium from a reporter of reality and producer of image to become a part of the reality and producer of self-image. In order to empower and educate the forming women, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, New Delhi, initiated the new project as Radio Mathematics (RM) through Community Radios on 2013. In this project, around India, 11 Community Radio stations are identified, funded, and impart the mathematical education (Maths through Air, e-Education) through their community Radios  in their local languages for the benefit of their community people . The prime focus of this paper is , the analysis of Radio Mathematics project in Periyar Community Radio (PCR-one among 11Community Radio stations )  and  outlined  the ways in which the PCR  involved and demonstrated the impact of Radio Mathematics project for Empowerment of their target Women Farmers.

Keywords:  DST, Radio Mathematics, Community Radio, Women Empowerment, Media.

Title: The Impact of Radio Mathematics for Women Empowerment in Periyar Community Radio

Author: Ujjwala .Tirkey, Dr. R.Sreedher, G.Gandhimathi

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research

ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 4, Issue 1, January 2016 – March 2016

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The Impact of Radio Mathematics for Women Empowerment in Periyar Community Radio by Ujjwala .Tirkey, Dr. R.Sreedher, G.Gandhimathi