The Importance of Value Education in the Present Education System & Role of Teacher

Dr.Neena Aneja

Abstract: In today’s era of competition and survival we observe laxity in moral values. Industrialization has led to the emergence of high life style and raised the standard of living of people. It has made man rich in materialistic sense but deteriorated the ethical fiber in the society. People crave for money, power and pelf. They are ready to jeopardize the interest of other people in pursuit of their selfish gains. Corruption in religious, economic, social, educational field is rampant. We come across many social evils in the society. Children due to their exposure to mass-media are turning juvenile delinquents. Due to lack of values they adhere to whatever is shown in the TV and on net ruining their life. Family disorganization has made them astray. Parents are busy pursuing their careers and children are taken care by day care centers. Due to this value education is not imparted to these children. They become drug addicts, consume alcohol, gamble and enter into anti-social Activities. This is the present scenario which needs to undergo change in order to have a peaceful society. Teachers play an important role in infusing the knowledge of “Para Vidya” to make students aware of knowledge of our self; the knowledge of the supreme reality to keep oneself away from vices.

Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, our honorable president in his book “India2020: A Vision of the New Millennium’ has rightly remarked that “If you are a teacher in whatever capacity, you have a very special role to play because more than anybody else it is you who are shaping the future generation. A teacher has a higher responsibility as compared to other professionals as students look upon the teacher as an embodiment of perfection. Education has become a business today. This has changed the outlook of the students as well as the parents and it has further resulted in deterioration of respect for teachers and all those who are a part and parcel of education system. Gautama Buddha has rightly preached “Desire is the root cause of Evil”. Students are told not to fulfill their desires by improper ways, by adhering to immoral activities. The present paper is an attempt to state the importance of value education in the present education system so that the future generations will nourish high ideals and values to contribute in the development of the society and the role of a teacher in imparting values.

Keywords: Value Education, Role of Teacher, Present Education System.

Title: The Importance of Value Education in the Present Education System & Role of Teacher

Author: Dr.Neena Aneja

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research

ISSN 2348-3164 (online), ISSN 2348-3156 (Print)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 2, Issue 3, July 2014 - September 2014

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The Importance of Value Education in the Present Education System & Role of Teacher by Dr.Neena Aneja