Abstract: In the current era, conflict, security and development of a state is significant to its international relations and politics. Nexus is the state of something being in connection or link that leads to more things. It is basically the focal point of something. Following this description, it is clear that conflict security and development nexus have one central point. Inter and intra state conflicts have consistently been occurring in the global south countries dating back from the colonial era. There has been a growing concern security has been made part of a state’s development in a manner that there cannot be development without security and vice versa. States have come up with policy reforms and bills to get rid of conflicts in their states.
Development models practices in relation to peace include: Security and development which refer to the state of a country strengthening their security to prevent intensity and harm of inter and intrastate conflicts, the power of poverty trap is a state of a country being in continuous conflicts stretched the country to a point of not being able to take right measures in evading poverty hence the country consistently thriving in poverty and a cycle of terror attacks in the country. Failure of Nexus has led to countries having a collapsed central government of the state, protracted conflicts in the country, lawlessness and demobilization.
Peace building practices in many fragile states come in form of policy reforms and they include political reconciliation in the state leadership, governance programming, economic growth prioritization, crime and corruption elimination and security & development. International Relations has brought security under development hence a country has to make sure that it has stable security with reduced conflicts through implementing policies, programs and strategies of improving security and getting rid of conflicts in their states.
Rwanda is a country that experienced genocide in the 1990’s, since 1990, Rwanda had been destroyed by conflict from within and without but peace was restored and the country is progressing well in terms of development, through facilitation of various international organizations. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the reasons for the Rwandan genocide, the peace building influence on development, Rwanda’s progress, challenges and lessons learned along five thematic areas and international organizations that have facilitated the development of Rwanda
Keywords: Development, Genocide, Peace building.
Author: Nima, A., Kabiru, S., Nasri, K, Gisore, B.
International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research
ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)
Research Publish Journals