Abstract: Poverty, in the developing world, continues to cause livelihood challenges among rural populations. One of the discreet impacts of livelihood assets on livelihood choices is the moderating effect of rural extension services. Most studies regarding poverty reduction overlook the moderating effect of rural extension services on livelihood assets and livelihood choices. The purpose of this study was to investigate how extension services moderate household choices based on livelihood assets in Kieni East and West sub counties of Nyeri County. The study adopted cross sectional research design, involving mixed method approaches to collect data. Household survey was the main source of quantitative data collection, while the qualitative aspect of data was collected using semi structured interviews, participant observations, and desk reviews. Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling Technique was used to establish a 400 sample size in 10 sub locations. Data was analyzed using descriptive and econometric modeling techniques. Socioeconomic data was analyzed using statistical descriptive techniques, and independent T-Test was used to test statistical significance (p<0.05) at the two sites. Data with quantifiable factors was subjected to hierarchical multiple regression analyses, while qualitative data was analyzed using grounded theory, discourse and narrative analyses. Results show that 19.8% of the respondents were visited by extension officers over the last three years, while 24.4% indicated to have actively participated in local extension programmes. While independently household assets[b = .344, SE= .049, β=.317, p < .01] and extension services[b = .284, SE= .043, β= .297, p < .01] had a significant effect on livelihood choices, results show the interaction of extension services and household livelihood assets (Z*X) had insignificant [b=.074, SEb= .048, β= .071, p > .001] influence on household livelihood choices in the study area. The results of the study demonstrate that demand based extension services in the area have insignificant influence on livelihood choices by households, which in the long run affect negatively household wellbeing. The study concludes with some recommendations for policy consideration.
Keywords: Household, livelihood, livelihood assets, livelihood choices, rural agricultural extension, poverty, household wellbeing, semi-arid lands, rural areas, Kenya.
Title: The Moderating Effect of Rural Extension Services on Livelihood Choices in Kieni Semi Arid Area of Kieni, Kenya
Author: Fred K. Wamalwa, Dr. Florence Ondieki-Mwaura, Dr.Frederick O. Ayuke
International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research
ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)
Research Publish Journals