The politics of transition and the quest for transformation in South Africa

Bukelani Mboniswa

Abstract: This article investigates the adversaries of political transition in South Africa. The purpose of the article was to examine the violent episodes of transition between 1990 and 1994, with focus on the tenacity displayed by both the ANC and the National Party in achieving peaceful democracy In South Africa; branding this tenacity and all its challenges as the ‘politics of transition’. The article then shifts its gaze beyond the role of the TRC and its failures, towards the questions of transformation that are currently unfolding in the political dispensation. Accordingly, the article then explores, critically, the major assumptions underlying the capacity of the social and political discourses, in effectively shaping the direction of these questions. Lastly, reflecting with emphasis on the impact of the global community in the attainment of democracy in South Africa.

Keywords: Politics, Violence, Transition, Democracy, Transformation, South Africa.

Title: The politics of transition and the quest for transformation in South Africa

Author: Bukelani Mboniswa

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 

ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 8, Issue 1, January 2020 – March 2020

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The politics of transition and the quest for transformation in South Africa by Bukelani Mboniswa