The Role of Brand Image Mediates The Effect of Product Quality on Purchasing Decisions

Dewa Putu Irwan Darma Putra, Gede Suparna

Abstract: Internet service users in Indonesia are growing rapidly. Indihome is one of the many internet service providers. The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of product quality on brand image, product quality on purchasing decisions, brand image on purchasing decisions, and the role of brand image in mediating the effect of product quality on purchasing decisions. The theory used in this research is product quality, brand image and purchasing decisions. Product quality is the ability of a product to fulfill its function. Brand image is a perception of a brand that is in the minds of consumers. Purchasing decisions are the various processes that consumers go through in buying a product. This research was conducted on consumers of Indihome Products domiciled in Denpasar City. The sample size was taken as many as 120 people with probability sampling method with cluster sampling technique. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires using a 5-point Likert scale to measure 12 indicators. The analysis technique used is path analysis and multiple test.

The results of the study suggest that product quality has a positive and significant effect on brand image. This study also found that each product quality variable and brand image had a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions, in addition to that brand image also significantly mediated the relationship between product quality and purchasing decisions. This shows that the better the brand image and product quality provided, the better purchasing decisions on Indihome Products will be.

Keywords: product quality, brand image, purchasing decision.

Title: The Role of Brand Image Mediates The Effect of Product Quality on Purchasing Decisions

Author: Dewa Putu Irwan Darma Putra, Gede Suparna

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations 

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 7, Issue 1, April 2019 – September 2019

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The Role of Brand Image Mediates The Effect of Product Quality on Purchasing Decisions by Dewa Putu Irwan Darma Putra, Gede Suparna