The Role of Employer Branding on Employee Attraction. A Survey of Selected Organizations in Rwanda(Mtn,Rdb & Bk)

Gisele Dusenge, Kule Julius Warren (Ph.D.), Dr Iravo Mike

Abstract: This study sought to examine the role of employer branding in Rwandan labour market. The specific objectives of this study were to determine the relationship between career development programmes and employee attraction, examine how companies use remuneration packages to attract high quality employee, analyze the contribution of employee work environment and job description on employee attraction, and establish the relationship between employer’s organizational culture and employee attraction. The specific objectives of the study were used descriptive method on a survey of selected area to collect the data. This design was selected because the researcher intended to collect the data without changing or manipulating the environment. Quantitative methods of data collection were employed in order to obtain the data related to quality and information which included views, opinions, feelings, perceptions, intentions of different people. The study targeted all the employees working in the selected cases of study. These areas of study included Rwanda Development Board (RDB), MTN Rwanda and bank of Kigali. The choice for selecting the three organizations was because the majority of people in Rwanda would wish to be employed there because they consider them to have better brand than the rest of the organizations in Rwanda. This study was conducted in their head offices in Kigali city. In probability sampling, stratified sampling was applied whereby the department of the organizations was used to collect the data from the employees. This facilitated the researcher to collect information in the institutions in a holistic manner. Thereafter, simple random sampling was used to select the study participants. In non-probability, the researcher used purposive sampling technique. The study collected information from 69 respondents. The researcher only took sample from those units of the population that seemed vital to her area of study. Primary data was collected using interviews and questionnaires. Qualitative data analysis was done using narratives whereas quantitative data used frequencies and percentages descriptive statistics was also used to summarize quantitative data. The researcher used tables, frequency distribution and percentages. The findings show that MTN, Bank of Kigali and Rwanda Development Board have young, learned and experienced workforce which is dedicated to their work and are very proud to be part of the institution. Majority of the employees are attracted to the three companies because of the opportunities they offer for career development and for their employees to advance in their education not to mention their high and attractive remuneration package. The results also revealed that the respondents are in strong agreement that there is an attractive culture in the three institutions and that organization structures and management skills contributed heavily to creating the current brand of their companies followed closely by corporate social responsibility, working environment, career development training and remuneration. Bank of Kigali, Rwanda Development Board and MTN still remain the companies with the highest valued brand and they are the dream working place of most people of Rwanda. Keywords: Employer Branding, Employee attraction, Career development, Enumeration package, Organizational culture. Title: The Role of Employer Branding on Employee Attraction. A Survey of Selected Organizations in Rwanda(Mtn,Rdb & Bk) Author: Gisele Dusenge, Kule Julius Warren (Ph.D.), Dr Iravo Mike International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations ISSN 2348-7585 (Online) Research Publish Journals

Vol. 4, Issue 1, April 2016 – September 2016

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The Role of Employer Branding on Employee Attraction. A Survey of Selected Organizations in Rwanda(Mtn,Rdb & Bk) by Gisele Dusenge, Kule Julius Warren (Ph.D.), Dr Iravo Mike