The Study of Exploring Myanmar’s Current International Business Potential for FDI

Mr. Min Kay Zin Tun, Dr. Vijit Supinit

Abstract: Myanmar stands at a pivotal juncture amidst a slew of social, political and economic reforms Myanmar is rich in natural resources, arable land, forestry, and minerals, as well as freshwater and marine resources, gems and jade. Growth is expected to accelerate to an expected 7.3% per year over the next 5 years, which will be driven mainly by foreign investment in large projects, particularly in heavy industries such as oil and gas, power and infrastructure. This qualitative research focuses on Myanmar Investment and impact on economic growth of Myanmar. research explores Myanmar’s new beginning after a long period of economic stagnation and attention is paid to economic development interested investors are heartened to note that great strides have been made on the economic front. In this research the researcher used secondary method to collect the data. The data is gotten from articles, journals and online resources. The theory section looks at different concepts of quality as defined and viewed by various author. This research aims to explore the soundness of the economy and future investment opportunities, it’ll also look into the long term implications of conducting business in Myanmar for first mover advantage and FDI and Socio Economic development. The research findings Myanmar have lot of opportunities for foreign direct investment as we know that they have some political issue but now it’s better. This time elicitation changes the Myanmar situation. They have lot of opportunities now and also describe the future investment plan for Myanmar. Keywords: International Business Potential, FDI, economic outlook, future investments. Title: The Study of Exploring Myanmar’s Current International Business Potential for FDI Author: Mr. Min Kay Zin Tun, Dr. Vijit Supinit International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations ISSN 2348-7585 (Online) Research Publish Journals

Vol. 4, Issue 1, April 2016 – September 2016

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The Study of Exploring Myanmar’s Current International Business Potential for FDI by Mr. Min Kay Zin Tun, Dr. Vijit Supinit