Abstract: Slavery began as an institution when the whites desired maximizing profits by exploiting the African labour. Eric Williams points out that, “The enslavement of the Africans had everything to do with the cheapness of labour, the oppression was for economic reasons and race differences exacerbated the oppression.” Williams points out that racial differences made it easier to justify and rationalize the Negro’s slavery ugliness, poverty and slavery. As a result to this black people soon ceased to exist as humans in the eyes of the white masters. Morrison in Beloved has shown the physical and psychological effects of slavery on African men and women. She has taken a real life event from the history of African Americans and has shown us the horrors and tortures of slavery as a reminder of the past. Psychologically, whiteness was always associated with beauty, superiority and culture and blackness with ugliness and poverty.
Keywords: Slavery, Beloved, Trauma, Tortures, African Americans, Slavery, Morrison.
Title: The Unspoken Truth about the African Slavery through Morrison’s Beloved
Author: Muskan Saxena
International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research
ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)
Research Publish Journals