Theory of relativity is an illusion!

Mayank Srivastava

Abstract: We are born humans is the only thing common between us. Since inception in our mother’s womb to our ultimate demise, we has humans experience every breath on an individual basis. Every action of ours, in our entire lifetime may directly or indirectly effect others, but in reality we can only be an observer to others feelings. The only materialistic change we can manifest, is in our bodies.

Our senses dictates the understanding of immediate surroundings as well as the universe in totality. Smell of your favourite dish may indicate its presence but, only after eating it physically will you be able to enjoy it. A sound may indicate the danger but, evasive action can only save you. Similarly the person you are speaking to in front of you may exist in reality but, for you it’s just an image, a memory unless you touch it.

All our theories have the basis of observations by an observer but, that observation is only an imagination, as unique as every individual on earth. Mere observation of an event cannot change the result of the event just because observation is always future of the event, a memory.

An observers ability to grasp and perceive the exact same event will dictate their actions. A humans reaction to an event is not the same reaction of the mechanised recorder of the same event and, neither can alter the reality or the reaction of either.

Light is a visual representation of the source of heat (energy), it is not the creator of energy but a by-product. Light is created by energy, light does not create energy. It’s an event in past, just a memory, an imagination.

Keywords: humans reaction, bodies, heat (energy).

Title: Theory of relativity is an illusion!

Author: Mayank Srivastava

International Journal of Mathematics and Physical Sciences Research  

ISSN 2348-5736 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol 8, Issue 2, October 2020 - March 2021

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Theory of relativity is an illusion! by Mayank Srivastava