Triggering Innovative Output through Hands-On Learning at Undergraduate Level

Pankaj Tyagi

Abstract: Innovative changes in educational set ups world across needs to be implemented to make the education more meaningful by integrating the industry, society and academia sectors. The concept of innovation and its applications in field of education need to be clearly spelt out by realistic examples both to the learner and the facilitator. The entrepreneurial approach for solving societal problems by the students can happen only by bringing three important changes in the educational environmental setup namely innovative curriculum, innovative educational setup and innovative role as mentor to be played by the teacher. In 2011, based on recommendation of India’s National Innovation Council, University of Delhi has implemented the above-mentioned change in its educational setup by starting a Cluster Innovation Centre with non-traditional two undergraduates and one postgraduate course of studies. The innovative concepts of hands-on learning assisted by an engineering kitchen, industrial workshops, teaching mathematics through resource labs, freedom to design their own degree, project based learning to solve real world problems, innovative curriculum etc. have triggered an enhanced learning experience for students that has resulted in innovative output in form of products, designs and processes. The participative role played by learners in solving immediate neighborhoods problems based on the knowledge acquired in their course of studies has made the learning process more meaningful. The present paper reports the implemented pedagogical innovations and their outcome.

Keywords: Innovation, innovative pedagogy, hands-on learning, project based learning.

Title: Triggering Innovative Output through Hands-On Learning at Undergraduate Level

Author: Pankaj Tyagi

International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations

ISSN 2348-1218 (print), ISSN 2348-1226 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 6, Issue 2, April 2018 – June 2018

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Triggering Innovative Output through Hands-On Learning at Undergraduate Level by Pankaj Tyagi