Abstract: Information and communication technology (ICT) is often used as an extended synonym for information technology. It is a more specific term that stresses the role of unified communication and the integrated of communication. It comprises of computing technology, the internet and other accessories which enable users to access, store, transmit and manipulate information.
The objectives of this study are to determine the level of knowledge in the use of ICT among nurses. To determine the perception of nurses about ICT, to access the extent of ICT utilization among nurses to identify the factor militating against ICT use among nurses.
This study therefore aims to bridge the gap by identifying various factors affecting utilization and perception of nurses towards ICT use, thus serving as a guide to interventions necessary to facilitate ICT use among nurses thus improving standard of practice.
The study was conducted using a convenience sampling techniques and questionnaires as instrument on 90 nurses who are on the institution’s payroll.
The findings revealed that only 86.6%(78) out of 90 respondents posses ICT skill and 62(68.9%) of all the respondents have heard of the term “information and communication technology before” and not all the respondents has the correct perception towards ICT. Also, ICT is not in use at all in patient management in N.P.H, Aro Abeokuta.
The study showed that all nurses in N.P.H., Aro no matter the rank or gender have an averagely positive perception of ICT adoption and use in healthcare services. Several barrier however, which ranges from limited knowledge on computer skills, fear of change, lack of user training in ICT usage, managerial problems (which include poor administrative policy on ICT) to the application related challenges (Which include complexity of the equipment) were identified.
Hence it was recommended that nurse manger need to collaborate with other stake holders in health care institution to draft a workable policy towards the adoption and use of ICT for health care.
Keywords: Utilization Information And Communication Neuropsychiatric Hospital.
Author: Kamoru. A Adesina, Obadina Dolapo Christianah, Olawale Gbadebo
International Journal of Healthcare Sciences
ISSN 2348-5728 (Online)
Research Publish Journals