Abstract: This paper includes the wheelchair that can control using voice, eye and joystick. And it monitors the room conditions like temperature, humidity, fire etc... And according to patient/ user health conditions it will inform the doctor/ analyzer via text message. Also it check the body conditions of the user and according to unnecessary changes in his heart and brain conditions and inform it any changes happen. According to user wish the wheelchair can be made in to a semi sleeper bed. Also for physically handicapped ones the wheelchair will help to have food/medicines and other needy things which can only done by his hand can be done using robotic hand that is being integrated with it. Also it monitors the human presence and informs the user.
Keywords: Automatic wheelchair, Voice Recognition, Controller, Iris Movement Sensors, Servo Motor, and Heart Rate Monitor.
Title: Wheelchair for Physically and Mentally Disabled Persons
Author: Nirmal T M
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research
ISSN 2348-6988 (online)
Research Publish Journals