Abstract: This article gives you about the wireless transmission of electricity (generally called as witricity). This witricity may look futuristic but this will be new and innovative technology that is turning heads. One can imagine future free of chargers, wires (electric lines), cables etc., and this can be seen in a near future. Like WIFI zones, there will be witricity zones or electricity hotspots named as QI (originated from Chinese word ‘CHI’ which means virtual energy). This transmission of electricity can be take place by the resonance and mutual induction in the form of micro waves and hence electricity can reach any place without a wire spaghetti. This is the future and can be promised by witricity.
Keywords: Witricity, Mutual Induction, Resonance, Microwaves, Rectenna.
Author: Soma Sekhar Reddy.N
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research
ISSN 2348-6988 (online)
Research Publish Journals